
Raising the Bar: Benchmarking Customer Excellence


For more than ten years we have been asking Australian doctors to rate their experience with pharma, both in terms of their overall experience and across different touchpoints they have with the industry. We have collected thousands of customer ratings along the way and developed a unique set of customer excellence benchmarks for Australian pharma.

In this article we look at:

  • Why benchmarking is a game changer
  • What customer excellence looks like
  • A client success story
  • What you can do to improve

The Game-Changer: Why benchmark Customer Excellence?

Let's talk about the secret weapon in your marketing arsenal - benchmarking.

Benchmarking customer excellence isn’t just about knowing where you stand; it’s about understanding how you can provide even more value to customers.

Over the past decade, we've developed 30 benchmark metrics from approximately 500,000 survey ratings based on 20,000 HCP interactions across 40+ therapy areas. Our metrics cover overall customer experience, value of field force and digital engagement, company and field force performance indicators, with additional benchmarks for medical education, patient support, and drug access.

Our benchmarking research assists pharma teams in elevating the value they provide to doctors and patients, moving some companies from the lowest ratings for customer excellence into the highest over time. The real value lies in the fact that all benchmark metrics are based on HCP interactions here in Australia, providing genuine insights from your own customers.

What customer excellence looks like in specialty and primary care

Our Customer Excellence scores are calculated by counting the percentage of doctors that rate pharma an 8, 9 or 10 out of 10 on a 1-10 scale, where 1 is very poor and 10 is excellent.

One of the key metrics we measure is customer experience, assessing the value customers receive from pharma companies. The average Customer Excellence scores for specialty and primary care are 55% and 46%, respectively.

However, the gap between the industry's top performers and those lagging at the bottom is eye-opening, as the average Customer Excellence score for the top quartile of companies is about 3 times higher than the bottom quartile.

A Client Success Story: Turning Insights into Action

Ever wondered how some teams skyrocket their performance?

This company did just that. Initially, they had one therapy area excelling (Team X) and another lagging (Team Y). By regularly tracking customer excellence and acting on recommendations, they dramatically improved their underperforming area within three years, and continued to improve.
By leveraging customer feedback and insights and consistently improving their performance year after year, Team Y doubled their customer excellence score, moving from the bottom to the top of their sector.

Shoutout to Team X and the other team that share first place in our database, with a jaw-dropping customer excellence score of 97%

What can we learn from the best of the best?

Based on our decade of benchmarking, where we rate and analyse the drivers of customer excellence, we have uncovered key characteristics of high performing teams. The relevance and value of information you provide and the quality of your customer-facing teams are the main drivers of customer excellence along with…

  • Prioritising 'value for customers' as a KPI
  • Working together with a ‘one customer’ mindset
  • Deploying the right people saying the right things
  • Tracking your customer excellence scores
  • Acting on customer feedback

If you can get these right and build a culture of delivering value through every engagement, we’ll see you at the top!

Want to know where you stand? Get in touch today