Case Study

Where Design Thinking means insight generating.


The Situation

Our client's brand was under pressure from in-class agents. They needed to know how to retain existing patients and gain new ones. To do that, they needed to know how prescribers and patients were discussing their brand - or switching off it entirely.

The Task

A number of market research agencies were asked to recommend the best approach to understanding a specific sub-group of patients. We suggested a multi-module approach of both qualitative and quantitative researched, backed by Design Thinking methodologies. We were delighted to be awarded the project

The Action

We carried out three modules of research - a Client Workshop, Extreme User interviews (‘Extreme Users’ are HCPs who are on either extreme of the broad mainstream in prescribing habits), and real Patient Record Observations.

The Answers

Our client gained a clear understanding about how to re-position their brand and communicate the benefits to a specific sub-group of patients. We also provided insights into the precise reasons prescribers were switching on or off their brand so our client could plan their next strategic moves.

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Where Design Thinking means insight generating.
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